
Help us out

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To start, thank you for using GetRight®

If you have registered (or want to go right to the upgrades), you can upgrade GetRigh here.

For unregistered users of GetRight with banners showing in the program: the version of GetRight you have installed on your computer uses the Radiate system to show the advertising banners in GetRight.

The agreement between Headlight Software (GetRight) and Radiate has ended. Right now, we are not making anything for all the hard work that has gone into GetRight from any banners shown to you.

There are a couple simple ways to help us out:

  • Upgrade to the latest GetRight 4.5!

  • Or you can use this little program to change a setting so GetRight (4.2 or higher) won't use any Radiate files installed on your computer.

  • Or you can uninstall the Radiate files from your computer using the Windows Start button, just pick "Programs", then "Radiate", then "Advertising", then "Uninstall". You may also use Radiate's remover program to uninstall them as well.
    GetRight will work fine with Radiate's files removed, some other programs may not. The other items here are safer if you want to make sure other programs won't be changed.

  • Or of course you can buy GetRight and get rid of all the banners.

Please let any friends who are also using GetRight know that they might want to help us out and upgrade or do one of the other items on this page. Just send them to:

Thank you again for your support of GetRight and help with this!
--Michael Burford, Author of GetRight.