GetRight T-Shirt Order Form.

Print out this form, fill in your information and mail to:
Headlight Software
PO Box 30473
Spokane, WA 99223 (USA)

Enclose your check, cash, or money order in the letter with this form.

If you are sending a check from a country other than the US, for some types, the fees from our bank to cash the foreign check can be more than the check is worth. To make it possible for us to cash the check and fill your order, please make sure there is:
  • Either a US bank listed on the check and write the amount in US dollars;
  • Or write the equivalent amount in your own local currency--Pounds, Euros, Francs, etc. (You can use this site to convert amounts.)
  • EuroChecks are NOT cashable from the United States (costs more than these checks are worth), so please try to use a different type of check than EuroChecks.

Make sure checks or money orders are payable to Headlight Software.
Your t-shirt will be sent (by US mail) to you on receipt of your payment; allow several weeks from sending your order to delivery of the shirt.

GetRight T-Shirt Order Form.

Fill in the following information. Please print or type!:

Name __________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

City ___________________________ State/Province ______ ZIP ____________

Country (if not USA) ___________________ Phone/Fax ____________________

E-Mail Address ________________________________________________________
(Email will only be used in case there is a problem sending your shirt to you.)

Circle Style --Gray       --Black

Number of shirts ____________ Circle Size(s): [M-Medium] [L-Large] [XL-Extra Large] [XXL-2*Extra Large] [XXXL-3*Extra Large]
Other sizes may be special-ordered, contact us for instructions.

Price per shirt x   $20.00 (US)

Sub Total

= __________

International Shipping

+ __________

If shipping to outside the US and Canada, please add $5 per shirt to cover the extra shipping costs.


+ __________

US residents in Washington State need to add 8.1% sales tax.
Total Enclosed
= __________

Mail to:
Headlight Software
PO Box 30473
Spokane, WA 99223 (USA)

You may also include credit card information instead of a check/money order/cash.
We can only accept Visa or Mastercard at this time.

Card Number: ________________________________ Expiration Date: __________

I authorize Headlight Software to charge the price above to my credit card

(Please Sign and Date): ______________________________